Maura stands with District 3’s aging population and she is disgusted that Georgia consistently ranks at the bottom for quality of living for seniors. She wants to work on legislation that will bring Social Security into the 21st century, keeping in line with inflation and the cost of living. Recent increases to Social Security payments via the cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) have had the opposite effect for our seniors, with many being told they no longer qualify for Medicaid and food stamps. The increase in benefits that was supposed to help has sent many into poverty because our politicians are not prioritizing proper legislation that works for those receiving benefits.

Since the increase, stories of our seniors having to give up essential health care just to make ends meet have become commonplace. Maura wants to ensure that no one has to choose between healthcare and food, life saving medication and electricity; she wants the seniors in District 3 to live whole, healthy, and fulfilling lives.

In District 3, 17.3% of the population are 65 and older, which is higher than Georgia’s average of 15.1%. Many of our seniors rely on Medicare for essential health services, putting 56% of our female seniors and 44% of male seniors at risk. If payments increase again without adjusting the threshold for benefits, many will be forced to pay for healthcare out of pocket or not have access to it at all. Maura is a supporter of legislation such as the Capping Drug Costs for Seniors Act of 2021, which creates an out-of-pocket maximum for beneficiaries in the Medicare Part D program, capping the cost at $2,000. She believes this is just the beginning, and that Congress can build upon this to expand healthcare protections for seniors and reduce the cost even more.

Maura believes that our society should take care of its citizens; instead, we are causing excessive stress for seniors who rely on our government for their quality of life. If politicians don’t prioritize updating our Social Security system, we are failing those who need it the most. Seniors are already forced to rely on food banks and family members just to survive retirement– and now, even that may not be enough.


Maura envisions a future where the American Dream is not a distant hope but a reality. Join her as she turns your dreams into blueprints for a brighter tomorrow.


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