Every year, the planet is changing in front of our eyes. We are seeing natural disasters ravage our country more often, record high temperatures that lead to death, and an onset of health conditions that will continue to get worse. Every record breaking storm, wildfire, and flood causes tens of billions of dollars in damages, destroying the communities left in their wake. Maura champions a bold stance on climate justice, for both the planet and the people. If we don’t take action now, the damage to our planet will soon be irreversible.

As a former Strategic Readiness Analyst, Maura knows that we need to rely on science and data to inform our policy– not conspiracy theories. Scientists and public health experts have made it clear that we need to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, sooner if we can. Maura backs this and supports legislation that will drastically reduce emissions such as clean energy infrastructure, which can save families a lot of money and create new jobs for American industry, all while helping the environment.

Like many of the issues our country faces, communities of color, low-income families, and indigenous communities disproportionately face the impacts of climate change. They are up against air pollution, water pollution, and toxic sites. In 2024, it’s hard to believe that every American does not have access to clean drinking water and wastewater infrastructure. Even those who deny climate change exists can’t refute these facts because every day we see the impact of these problems.

In Georgia, we are seeing record breaking temperatures every summer, with many days reaching 90% humidity levels. For laborers who work outside, conditions will soon be too dangerous to do so. Underlying health conditions, such as heart disease and diabetes, are known to increase an individual’s vulnerability to illnesses that are a result of intense heat. Between our scorching summers and damaging storms, we also have to worry about our agricultural industry which is reliant upon seasonal patterns. Prioritizing protections against climate change is essential to sustaining our economy.

While it can be easy to feel pessimistic about the future of our planet, Maura remains optimistic that she can make a difference on behalf of all Americans. She is committed to championing policy that helps our communities, our farmers, and our environment. We have to leave a habitable planet for generations to come, and you can count on Maura to get to work combating climate change as soon as we send her to Congress.


Maura envisions a future where the American Dream is not a distant hope but a reality. Join her as she turns your dreams into blueprints for a brighter tomorrow.


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