Maura is a passionate advocate for gun safety legislation, understanding the Second Amendment while opposing reckless gun ownership. Currently, Georgia ranks 47th out of 50 for gun safety. Out of the 10 worst states that have guns stolen out of vehicles, we rank 5th.  Our military and law enforcement are required to attend training on how and when to use a weapon, but an 18 year old can get an AR-15 without going through any training or safety procedures. How many more lives must be lost to gun violence before politicians stop pedaling party lines and start caring about the lives they represent in Congress?

Common sense legislation could have a huge impact on public safety and help prevent the horrific shootings that have become commonplace in our country. There is no requirement to store your weapon properly or have child safety locks, yet a parent will be arrested and charged if their child gets a hold of a gun and causes bodily harm. That’s because, deep down, we know that gun owners are wholly responsible for the firearms they possess, which is why we need guidelines in place that require safe storage.

Research consistently shows that the majority of Americans support universal background checks and Red Flag laws. Even Fox News conducted a survey on the issue, finding that 87% of Americans support requiring criminal background checks on all gun sales. 83% of those participants came from gun owning households. 81% support raising the legal age to buy a gun to 21, as right now young people can buy a military grade assault weapon but can’t go and buy a beer with their friends. 61% of Americans support banning assault rifles and semi-automatic weapons but, until we elect common sense politicians that listen to our citizens, we will never be able to prevent death by gun violence.

Maura is committed to giving the American public the reforms they deserve. By enacting gun safety legislation, we can protect our loved ones and keep our communities safe.


Maura envisions a future where the American Dream is not a distant hope but a reality. Join her as she turns your dreams into blueprints for a brighter tomorrow.


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