Maura offers unwavering support for all and believes that every citizen should have access to the American dream, regardless of sexual orientation, gender, or skin color. As a friend and relative of members of this community, Maura is troubled by the trajectory of our country and she is determined to speak up in Congress. She will fight to enshrine legal protections for LGBTQ+ and BIPOC Americans, and will push back against politicians who seek to strip away the human rights of these communities through deeply harmful and discriminatory policies.

Every American deserves to feel safe and seen, and Maura refuses to sit on the sidelines as we watch our government be consumed by hate. So many politicians are actively working to reduce the rights and protections for the LGBTQ+ community, and Maura vows to never vote against those who need representation the most. She wants to expand anti-discrimination laws to include protections for LGBTQ+ individuals in employment, housing, and public accommodations, and wants to ensure our healthcare policies offer access to everything an individual needs, including gender-affirming treatments, reproductive health services, and mental health support.

Maura recognizes the vulnerability of this community, particularly our LGBTQ+ youth. The ongoing epidemic of mental health issues has had devastating consequences, with The Trevor Project publishing that in 2022, 45% of LGBTQ+ youth seriously considered attempting suicide. Maura wants to introduce comprehensive anti-bullying legislation in schools to protect LGBTQ+ students, and believes we need to advocate for the inclusion of LGBTQ+ history and rights in our educational curriculum.

All Georgia Republicans in Congress have voted against essential legislation, such as the LGBTQI+ Data Inclusion Act, which requires federal agencies to collect more information about gender and sexual orientation to ensure minorities have proper representation in our data. They also voted against the Equality Act, which prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in public accommodations and systems. Maura cannot understand why anyone would vote against offering basic protections to American citizens. The only reason these bills passed was because of Democrats in the House and, if you give Maura your support, she will be another Democratic vote you can count in Congress.


Maura envisions a future where the American Dream is not a distant hope but a reality. Join her as she turns your dreams into blueprints for a brighter tomorrow.


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