Maura’s Week in D.C. | National PTA Legislative Conference

Maura Keller on the Capitol subway system train in United States Congress. The train booth has the emblem for the United States Senate.

Maura Keller riding the Senate subway to the capitol, Mar. 2024

Last month, I spent three days in Washington, D.C. for the National Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Legislative Conference (LegCon). This was a fantastic event where I was able to attend workshops and presentations, and really develop my understanding of the issues facing parents and teachers, but also the issues affecting our children, especially those in District 3.

I had the opportunity to spend time with some of the most dedicated and passionate activists from the National PTA. They are so inspired to advocate for our children each and every day, and I can tell you that their devotion is infectious. They have shattered the stereotype of bake sales and helicopter parenting by advocating and legislating at every level imaginable about issues that deeply matter. The National PTA is at the forefront to ensure the voices of teachers, parents, and students are heard loud and clear, and I’m excited to share with you the main takeaways from my time in D.C.

Protecting Schools

One of the highlights for me was spending an entire day at Capitol Hill, where we met with Georgia Senators and Representatives or their staff. This was an opportunity to let them know which bills are most important for the wellbeing of our children. The National PTA has a list of Public Policy Priorities for 118th Congress, outlining how we can work with the government to give every child “access to a fair and equitable education”. It’s hard to believe that this is not already a priority for some elected officials, particularly in Congress, but that’s exactly why I’m running for Georgia’s 3rd District–because our children are our future, and they deserve only the best.

Throughout LegCon, we kept coming back to what is impacting our schools the most, which is learning loss, mental health, absenteeism, and educator staff shortages, as well as a multitude of other problems. One of the main goals is to get the government to fully fund essential programs that support children, families, and schools. Currently, the U.S. only invests about 3% of the regular federal budget on education, meaning that many essential federal programs are at risk of being underfunded or eliminated by Congress. These programs are paramount to the success of our children and our education system, and include: expanding broadband access, strategies for academic recovery such as summer learning and after school programs, child nutrition programs, and community and youth violence prevention.

  • Prevent and address Childhood trauma and adverse childhood experiences

  • Improve physical safety of school buildings, invest in emergency planning, infrastructure improvements and physical security

  • Expand access to high-quality,  affordable childcare and early learning programs

  • Invest in community and youth violence and prevention

  • Strengthen Family-School Partnerships and Invest in Meaningful Family Engagement

    • Family engagement contributes to success – better attendance, fewer behavioral challenges, and better grades

      • Urge Congress to Strengthen Family Engagement in Future Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESSA) Reauthorization

      • Urge Members of Congress to Co-Sponsor Bill of Rights for Students and Parents (H.R. Res 219).  This would affirm the commitment of Congress to promoting meaningful and inclusive family involvement in K-12 education, as well as commit to building safe, welcoming, supportive and inclusive schools across the nation.  Currently there are no GA Republicans co-sponsoring this bill.

      • Urges Congress to fund Statewide Family Engagement Centers (SFEC). They provide technical assistance, partnership development, direct resources and services to help ensure that families across the country are meaningfully supported and engaged in their child’s education.  H.Amendment 115 to H.R.5 was voted NO by all GA Republicans.

The National PTA believes that the “long-term success of our nation depends on quality federal investments in our education system”, and I couldn’t agree more. 

If you’d like to help send me to Congress to fight for the welfare of our children, you can join or volunteer for my campaign. If you’re able to, please also consider donating. We know that this seat is flippable but we need your help to make it a reality, and donations both big and small can make all the difference.

Maura Keller

Maura Keller stands for service, dedication, and progress. Born in South Weymouth, Massachusetts, and residing in Fayetteville, Georgia for 28 years, Maura's life has been a testament to the power of hard work and helping others.


Press Release: Maura Keller Wins Democratic Nomination for Georgia’s 3rd Congressional District


Press Release: Maura Keller for Congress Campaign