Press Release: Maura Keller Endorsed By The Feminist Majority

Maura Keller, candidate for Georigia's 3rd congressional district, picutred next to the Feminist Majority logo and Maura Keller for Congress logo.

Maura Keller is so excited to be endorsed by Feminist Majority.



Fayetteville, GA– Maura Keller, a passionate advocate for equality and progressive change, proudly announces her endorsement by the Feminist Majority, a leading organization dedicated to advancing women’s rights and gender equality. This endorsement comes as Keller continues her campaign for Congress, representing the interests of all constituents in Georgia’s Third District and beyond. Keller joins Nikema Williams and Lucy McBath as the only three candidates in Georgia to receive this prestigious endorsement.

As a candidate, Maura Keller is unwavering in her commitment to ensuring that every individual, regardless of gender, race, or background, has equal rights and opportunities. Her campaign is rooted in the belief that true equality is not just an aspiration but a fundamental right that must be enshrined in our Constitution.

“I am honored to receive the endorsement of the Feminist Majority, an organization that has tirelessly championed the rights of women and marginalized communities,” said Keller. “Together, we will work towards making the Equal Rights Amendment a reality. It is time for the United States to affirm that equality under the law is not just a promise but a guarantee for all.”

The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) aims to eliminate legal distinctions between sexes in matters of divorce, property, employment, and other areas. Despite being passed by Congress in 1972, the ERA has yet to be fully ratified and added to the Constitution. Maura Keller is dedicated to ensuring that the Archivist of the United States recognizes the ratification of the ERA, solidifying it as a constitutional guarantee.

Keller’s platform focuses on:

  • Advancing Women’s Rights: Ensuring that women have equal pay, reproductive rights, and access to healthcare.

  • Fighting for Social Justice: Advocating for policies that promote equity and justice for all marginalized communities.

  • Empowering Future Generations: Investing in education and opportunities for young people to thrive.

As the election approaches, Maura Keller is committed to engaging with voters, listening to their concerns, and working tirelessly to represent their interests in Congress. With the support of the Feminist Majority and the community, she is ready to lead the charge for equality and justice.

To follow Maura’s campaign, visit where you can find more information about her policies. Please click the button below to make a contribution to Maura’s campaign. Every dollar raised empowers our grassroots efforts in Georgia’s 3rd Congressional District and ensures that we can reach every voter with our message of hope and progress.

Connect with us on socials (click the icons below):

Instagram/Threads/TikTok/Facebook: @GetMoreWithMaura 

X: @Maura4GA3

To get in touch with the campaign to Help Elect Maura Keller, please reach out to

Maura Keller

Maura Keller stands for service, dedication, and progress. Born in South Weymouth, Massachusetts, and residing in Fayetteville, Georgia for 28 years, Maura's life has been a testament to the power of hard work and helping others.


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